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Cosmetic Dentistry

Find the Cosmetic Dental Treatments Right for You

At Preferred Family Dentistry, we offer our patients a wide range of cosmetic dental treatment options. During your initial dental exam, we’ll take the time to understand your goals and recommend solutions to help you achieve them. Our dentist may recommend any of the following treatments:

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When you want a straighter, more beautiful smile without the wire and bracket braces, Invisalign may be the best choice.

Crown Restoration

The chewing surface of your tooth can become decayed or worn. We can restore that area of your tooth with same-day crown restoration.


Veneers quickly close gaps between your teeth and give you a brighter smile. Natural-looking veneers are placed on the forward-facing part of your front teeth and last for years.

Dental Crowns

Improve your ability to speak and eat while better protecting your tooth from decay with our CEREC same-day dental crowns. Each crown is customized to fit your exact bite profile.

Dental Bridges

A bridge is a dental appliance used to replace a missing tooth. It is fixed to the two adjacent teeth to maintain proper space and improve your smile.

Teeth whitening

Soda, coffee, and smoking can cause stains on your tooth’s enamel. Zoom! teeth whitening solution uses LED light-accelerated technology to remove them. You’ll see significant results in three 15-minute sessions.

Tooth Extraction

Decayed, damaged, or misshapen teeth can cause pain and lead to numerous issues with your teeth. Once the extraction is complete, we can review options for a tooth replacement if necessary.

Choose the Experienced Cosmetic Dental Professionals

Our cosmetic dental treatments aim to improve the aesthetics of your teeth and smile. Preferred Family Dentistry has a wide range of cosmetic dental solutions that we can customize to meet your needs. We’ve improved the smile and confidence of numerous patients throughout Las Vegas, NV, and we’d love to do the same for you! You don’t have to be self-conscious about your smile any longer. Instead, our knowledgeable and experienced team of dental professionals can customize the perfect treatment plan.