The Silent Saboteur: Understanding Periodontitis and Its Impact on Oral Health
What is Periodontitis? An Overview of Periodontal Gum Disease Periodontitis, often referred to as periodontal gum disease, is a serious inflammatory condition that affects the gums and the structures supporting the teeth. It commonly arises from the buildup of plaque on teeth due to poor oral hygiene. When plaque is not removed, it hardens into […]
Our Approach to Teeth Cleaning Services at Preferred Family Dentistry
The Importance of Regular Teeth Cleanings Routine teeth cleaning is a crucial component of maintaining optimal oral health. Many individuals may mistakenly believe that daily brushing and flossing are sufficient to keep their teeth and gums healthy. While these habits are undoubtedly important, professional cleanings provide benefits that at-home care alone cannot achieve. Dental hygienists […]