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AQ – Veneers

Q1. What is a veneer, and what is it used for?

A veneer is a porcelain covering that is usually placed on the front teeth to improve aesthetics. If there are any broken corners or gaps between your teeth or if you are not happy with the shade or shape of your teeth in any way, a veneer can be used to mask the problem.

Q2. Do veneers look like natural teeth?

If veneers are done properly by a skilled dentist and made by a skilled lab technician, they will be very beautiful and natural-looking. It is important to inform your dentist about your concerns so that the outcome will be to your satisfaction. The porcelain veneers that are in the market these days are made of high-quality material and are very durable and aesthetically pleasing.

Q3. How long will take to get veneers?

The process of getting veneers includes two appointments at the dentist. During the first appointment, your teeth will be prepared and impressions will be taken for the lab. On the second appointment, you will receive your veneers if you are happy with the result. Most laboratories require two weeks to construct the veneers.

Q4. Is the veneer procedure painful?

No. The procedure is painless once you are anesthetized properly. Your teeth will be adjusted for the veneers to fit properly without looking bulky. This preparation is usually painful if done without anesthesia, which is why your dentist will make sure to get you comfortable.

Q5. Will I get a cavity on my tooth with veneers?

Cavities can happen at any time and under any restoration. It is important to practice good oral hygiene and floss daily to prevent decay under your veneers. Regular checkups are recommended, so problems can be detected early and taken care of by your dentist.

Q6. How long do porcelain veneers last?

Veneers can last many years without coming off or breaking. In some cases, if the teeth are not properly prepared or the veneers are not constructed adequately, you might have some problems with them coming off or breaking. Porcelain veneers are very thin but very durable, but just like any restoration they can break if you are not careful and bite into hard foods or get into any kind of accident.

Q7. Do porcelain veneer stain?

No. Porcelain veneers do not stain and do not change color. If you have a single front tooth with a veneer and decide to whiten your teeth, be aware that your porcelain veneer will not whiten with bleaching material.

Q8. Does dental insurance cover veneers?

No. Veneers are considered to be an esthetic procedure and usually dental insurance doesn’t cover procedures that are done for esthetic reasons.

Q9. What type of food should I avoid if I have veneers?

You need to be aware of what you are biting into when you have veneers. If you are biting into hard food such as an apple, try to avoid it and use your back teeth to chew. In general, you are fine with most foods.

Q10. What habits should I avoid or stop?

If you have any habits such as grinding, chewing ice, or biting on a pen you need to stop those habits when you get veneers, or you will break them.

Q11. What should I do if one of my veneers comes off?

This is nothing to panic about. Simply save the veneer and take it to your dentist to be cemented back on.

Q12. Do I still need to get my regular cleanings done if I have veneers?

Yes. It is very important to keep your veneers clean to prevent decay under them. Do not be afraid of them coming off during a hygiene appointment. This usually never happens and if it does, your dentist can re-cement it for you.